Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Editz, I haz dun them

Well, I've got to input all the changes to the word doc, and sort out the bits where I've written 'THINK ABOUT THIS' and 'THIS PART NEEDS TO BE GOOD'. So there's a few more days of work still to be done. I'm getting there though. Should hopefully be ready to send to Agent Victoria next week. If I can get rid of all the tedious repetitions, that is. Repetition is my worst writing crime. Here's what happens: I come up with a nice turn of phrase, pat myself on the back for being so clever... and then realize that I've said exactly those words earlier in the book. *sigh*

In other news, my unbelievably lovely friend Mikey B brought me the best present ever from New York:

And it's signed! Best present ever, right? I think I'll read it over Christmas. At the mo, I'm reading GOING BOVINE, by Libba Bray. Has anyone out there read it? I am loving it. I can't remember the last time I read a book and had no clue where it was heading - it's a magical mystery tour of a book.

Here's something lovely for you to look at, in case you haven't already seen it:

Isn't it gorgeous? IMAGINARY GIRLS is due out in June 2011 from Dutton. It's written by my friend Nova Ren Suma, who is made entirely of loveliness.

That's all for today, folks. Hope you're keeping warm, wherever you are. Unless you're in Australia, in which case I hope you're keeping cool.


  1. Ahh, such awesome stash. I am getting Dash and Lily for Christmas (at least I better be...it's on the list :) We have a different cover - less Christmas-sy, more funky/arty.

    And, thanks for thinking of me - I am in Australia and keeping it cool :)


  2. Congratulations! Fantastic. I've just bought myself Dash and Lily... on audio! Am enjoying it so far.

  3. Nomes and Luisa - please let me know what you think of Dash and Lily. We can compare notes!

  4. Aw, thanks for showing my cover! I think you are lovely, too, and I think you should come back to visit NYC. (Or I should get myself to your city to visit you.)

    Congrats on being so close to sending in! I have trouble with repetitions, too. I read them back and it drives me batty.

  5. Great covers, both! I'm going to check these out.

  6. Nova- you should definitely come to Scotland SOON!

    MC- I can pretty much guarantee both books will be amazing.

  7. I bought myself Dash & Lily too. Will read it asap and we can form a teeny book club :)
