Monday, April 18, 2011

Big fat punch in the face

I received some bad news on Friday. It was writing-related, but that's pretty much all I can say. It felt a lot like this:

That's Rocky Balboa getting punch in the face, in case you didn't know. Apologies for the grossness of the photo (especially that bloody saliva), but this picture really does illustrate EXACTLY how I felt on Friday. I was knocked sideways in a way I didn't quite expect. I put this down to the fact that I was hoping (expecting, even) the news to be good. Now I'm normally a glass-half-empty sort of person, so this optimism was totally out of character. I have learned my lesson and am returning to my pessimistic ways ASAP.

I'm feeling OK about it now., by the way. I scraped myself off the floor, dusted myself down, checked I hadn't lost any teeth.

Life can keep punching me in the face but I'm going to keep on getting up. Every single time. So there. *blows raspberry at life*


  1. Oh Cat, I hope it wasn't too serious. You are a fantastic author and you should believe in yourself. I hope whatever happened that you felt was bad, brings something better behind it. Big hugs x

  2. Thank you both! I got an email yesterday that may or may not help make up for the disappointment... watch this space.

  3. Oh, I'm sorry Cat. :( Hopefully you get some good news soon. Don't lose hope!

  4. The punch in the face part sucks, but I *love* that you have sworn to keep getting up. My money's on Cat Clarke in the red corner.

  5. I hope it wasn't too bad. It'll get better, I swear :) (Sorry, I'm not that good at making people feel better... eh.)

  6. Thanks Isabel, Lauren and Megha! You're all very lovely indeed.
